Jessica Mena

Dr. Jessica Mena is a Los Angeles based Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinic Physical Therapist and Ultramarathoner. She has founded a local trail running club to not only promote health and fitness but encourage a connection, respect, and relationship with nature. It has been stepping stone for many people to begin their self reflection journey, which she feels tied to the overall phenomena. Her deep interest into to the UFO and paranormal phenomena started at age 14 when she and her father experienced their first encounter in Central America.

That experience became a life alternating event and the start of her dedicated interest into the phenomena. It has led her down the path of investigation into spirituality, consciousness and its direct ties to the field. Her own development in consciousness and overall spirit has also led to more personal experiences in her adult life. After many years of silence and secret investigation she decided it was time to share her story. She recently went public and shared her experience with the intention bringing positive awareness to the Disclosure Movement to broader communities.

She continues to document her experiences, research the phenomena , and open the conversation to her audience in her spare time.