Tyler Roberts

Hailing from the vibrant city of Boston, Massachusetts, Ty Roberts embarked on his journey into the media world at an early age. His passion for the industry was ignited during his volunteer work at Billerica Access TV, where he discovered the allure of the set, the intricacies of microphones, the art of discreetly hidden cables, and the captivating view through the camera's finder.

Fueling his enthusiasm, Ty pursued formal education in film and collaborated with Showcase Cinemas, interviewing high-profile actors and directors for engaging segments. In 2019, he took a leap into the world of podcasting by founding The POP! Culture Corner Podcast, where he independently interviewed actors, recognizing the untapped potential of the medium.

Ty's journey took an unexpected turn at the age of 10 when he had a UFO sighting, witnessing a classic disk-shaped craft with three prominent spheres on the bottom. This early encounter with the mysterious fueled his lifelong curiosity about the unknown.

In 2021, amidst his ongoing work with The Pop! Culture Corner Podcast, Ty experienced a profound personal loss with the passing of his mother on 4-3-21. This pivotal moment led him to explore the realms of the unexplained and birthed TOTAL DISCLOSURE, a new podcast dedicated to his mother's memory and his quest for personal truth in a world seeking its own revelations. Haunted by the departure of his mother, Ty found himself in a room where he witnessed something transcendental, an experience that compelled him to delve deeper into the mysteries of life. Closing his late mother's eyes, he felt a calling to seek answers, and thus, his dedication to unraveling the Truth Embargo was born.

With public attention reaching unprecedented levels, Ty has committed the remainder of his life to pursuing the larger mysteries and questions that shape our understanding of the world. Through TOTAL DISCLOSURE, he endeavors to contribute to a global conversation about the truths that have long been concealed.